Aquatic theme tattoos have been popular, since the times tattoos have been made. There are numerous examples of sea life tattoos, such as starfish tattoos, koi fish tattoos, dolphin tattoo designs, whale tattoos and not to forget seahorse tattoos. There are many meanings attached to the seahorse tattoos. Seahorse tattoo is an eye catching and attention grabbing tattoo design, which is also very feminine. Apart from its beauty, one of the reason, it has become very popular is because it is not a controversial tattoo design. Hence, also makes for a wonderful socially acceptable tattoo design. We will now see, what does a seahorse tattoo mean.
Seahorse Tattoo Meaning
Seahorse is an unusual looking sea creature, which has many associations. If made into a tattoo, a seahorse tattoo symbolizes strength of the horse as well as ruler of the sea. Actually looking at it, it is a creature of myth and fantasy and a symbol of imagination and creative spirit. Seahorse was given the name by the Greeks and was called as Hippocampus, which stands for horse + sea monster. Coincidentally, the part of the human brain, which is associated with memory is also known as hippocampus. Perhaps, this is the reason a seahorse tattoo is associated with creativity. The monster aspect comes from its bony armor. This sea animal has a head, that has obvious equine features. The seahorse has two eyes, which are able to look in different directions simultaneously. Therefore, it is said to be a symbol of vigilance. In a number of cultures, grace and confidence is the other seahorse tattoo symbolism. It is also a symbol of strength, guidance and transformation. The Celts look at seahorse as a symbol of courage and forbearance at sea. It is also a symbol of good luck for sailors. In some civilization, the seahorse was revered as a therapeutic animal, that has magical and mystical powers.You will be amazed to know, that seahorses are said to be a symbol of fatherhood, because it is the male of the species, which becomes pregnant. Female seahorse deposits her eggs in the pouch on the tail of a male. The eggs gestate in the pouch for about 6 weeks. A number of men get seahorse tattoos made, when they become fathers for the first time.
Seahorse Tattoo Designs
Seahorse tattoo design is actually said to be a feminine tattoo design. It can be made into a small design and can adorn any part of the body. Since it has feminine, elegant, free-floating existence, it is also has a ‘free spirit’ connotation. When you start looking for seahorse tattoo design, you can give tribal seahorse tattoos and Celtic seahorse tattoo a thought. Seahorses are known to change colors to blend with the surroundings, when they sense danger. Hence, there is a myriad range of colors, that you can use to make seahorse tattoos. There are also zebra seahorse tattoos, which have black and white striped heads. White, amber or brown are the colors, often used to make seahorse tattoos. The seahorse tattoos can be combined with water, water bubbles, sea-weeds, etc. They can also be designed to look as trebel cleffs. You can choose to depict two seahorses melding together into a shape of a heart. Another popular image of seahorse tattoo is with a jagged lower body of the seahorse, that is bursting into flames. Click to read on Celtic tattoos and tribal tattoos.
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