8:51 AM

periods in periodic table

Posted by Rebus

periods in periodic table. in the periodic table and

  • in the periodic table and

  • WardC
    Apr 12, 08:39 PM
    Well, the time has come, I thought I would share some photos of my Mac Portables with you. I have two Portables, a M5120 and an M5126 with the backlit display. Both have rebuilt batteries, and function flawlessly. I have posted 14 photos (1-9 of the M5126) (10-14 of the M5120). Enjoy!!










    And now the M5120 (no backlight):






    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table Groups And Periods
  • Periodic Table Groups And Periods

  • netdog
    Apr 22, 01:46 PM
    Problem is the fans on this model are on the base, try keeping it off the floor

    This happens on my MBP too with little else running. Skype really is probably the problem.

    periods in periodic table. Periods In Periodic Table.
  • Periods In Periodic Table.

  • Giuly
    Apr 11, 01:20 PM
    I have two internet connections here, one via GBit-Ethernet to my Mac Mini and a slower one connected to my WiFi router. I just bought a wireless printer, thus I need to connect the Mini to the WiFi to print.

    I think this is not explicitly specified, but which connection will be used to route to the internet? It would be unfortunate to use the WiFi, as it's about 5 times slower.

    Can I set the wired connection to be default for all connections, and route only the traffic that really has to go into the WiFi? All that comes to mind at the moment is removing the gateway/router address.

    Better ideas?

    periods in periodic table. Periods In Periodic Table.
  • Periods In Periodic Table.

  • mnkeybsness
    Jul 11, 06:49 PM
    this worked for me at the screen saver password prompt. another issue that apple really needs to address.

    periods in periodic table. Detailed Periodic Table.
  • Detailed Periodic Table.

  • iccy82
    Jun 21, 03:51 AM

    dukie's are all over the mac web :D

    iccy is everywhere also...... but spymac :(

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table Mini Series
  • Periodic Table Mini Series

  • G4scott
    Oct 17, 04:11 PM
    Email, faxes, instant messages, documents, and alerts pop on and off automatically, but are controlled by the user. Because there is so much screen landscape, the desktop doesn't have a cluttered feeling.

    They pop up automatically, but are controlled by the user? Like pop-up ad's? Bad idea if you ask me. I like the notifications in the dock with iChat and Mail. The icon changes, and they can make a sound whenever a new message is received.

    As for that much screen landscape, I think it would be hard to control that much space. If you needed it for really big spreadsheets or for tons of tools for designing or creating videos, I can understand, but having to lift the mouse up 5 times just to get from one side of the screen to the other, and turning your head 45� to view the whole thing seems a bit over-done.

    Apple is making widescreen standard. Unfortunately, in a bizarre move, microsoft seems to be taking Apple on with the whole wide-screen thing, and they seem to be going over-board. I wonder if they will give you coupons for free neck adjustments at your local chiropractor?

    Oh well. In 5 years, I'll probably still be using a Mac...

    periods in periodic table. Pyramid Periodic Table
  • Pyramid Periodic Table

  • twoodcc
    Feb 19, 05:24 PM
    so i hate to bring back an old thread, but i'm still wondering what kind of numbers people are getting folding with an i7-860? i've read some numbers online, and they seem to be less than the 920s

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table
  • Periodic Table

  • Young Spade
    Apr 20, 05:44 PM
    Well right now I have two computers; my MacBook and my windows PC. I had the PC before hand so all of my files were on that; when I got the Mac I transfereed all of the important things over (pictures, school documents), and kept the movies and things like that on the old computer.

    I take my Mac with me, the PC stays at home. Everything I do now is on the Mac, however whenever I download movies, tv shows, things like that I watch them on the 19 inch monitor I have hooked up to the windows laptop.

    However for transferring a few files between I use DropBox; great little program that syncs everything in a free 2gb folder to unlimited computers (and devices like Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad).

    periods in periodic table. of the periodic table from
  • of the periodic table from

  • Peachi
    Feb 16, 03:30 PM
    My situation: my boyfriend let me borrow his jailbroken iTouch, and knowing nothing about them, I updated the software and lost it all. So I have 4.2.1 software now, so I looked up the jailbreak for that. I used redsn0w and I thought it worked perfectly, but after I used the "Just boot tethered right now" option, the pineapple came up and all, but it's just...stuck. It keeps making the little slide-bar noise every 10 seconds and it looks like it's been loading for 10 minutes.
    Also, I'm using an iPod touch 3g.

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table of Elements
  • Periodic Table of Elements

  • definitive
    Feb 6, 10:51 AM
    I posted the same question here some time back but got no response(N) So, i done some digging for myself.

    When i done mine it was for a DofE (A Charity), which meant i was after a rather free option, i found YawCam (http://www.yawcam.com/). Downloading their software, i was then able to stream live onto a html page, which they set up for free! I then embeded it into my own website.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I noticed it has a scheduling feature which is nice and what I've been looking for. I have several other questions in relation to this:

    What kind of hardware would I need for this, and what type of internet connection? Would a normal pc or a netbook with an attached higher quality webcam (thinking of going with a higher quality Logitech - does the app work with their cameras?) be enough? What about bandwidth usage? Wouldn't I need a really fast upload connection if I'm planning on using a direct stream? Cable modem? FIOS? Or is there some service which allows you to stream to them and they relay to your site (similar to Justin.tv or Stream.tv, though I'd prefer not to deal with them in particular)?

    periods in periodic table. The periodic table
  • The periodic table

  • DougJrS
    Jan 24, 10:15 AM
    I have a linksys Wireless Access point on my network that I have had for a few months. I just purchased a Airport Express for printing and it was a pain to get working with the Linksys.

    I tried to get CompUSA to let me exchange the Linksys AP for the Airport, but they wouldn't. In my opinion I would have perfered to pay the extra $$ for the Airport then waste a day trying to get the Airport Express to work with the Linksys AP.

    If you do go Linksys I would get the WRT54G because you can get 3rd part firmware for it that is much better then what Linksys has.


    periods in periodic table. +periods+on+periodic+table
  • +periods+on+periodic+table

  • mabcan
    Oct 8, 03:39 AM
    My MacBookPro 2,4 Ghz 15' Santa Rosa doesn't start. Every time I try to start the computer it just says that I need to restart and it goes on and on with the same message.
    The monitor has stripes of red/purple over a purple blueish background. And all this happens 2,5 years after buying it. I would like to know if this repair program will be extended to Portugal, when the claim will be won after December 2010.
    I do hope so and Apple must be aware of the quality of the parts she is buying for their computers.
    It's the second time I have this problem in 4 years with 2 different computers, although the first time the motherboard was replaced within the warranty time.

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table of Typefaces
  • Periodic Table of Typefaces

  • JollyJoeJoe
    Apr 23, 10:59 PM
    So Im a freelance Editor/Motion Graphics guy with no real understanding of RAID Controller Cards, or how they work.

    As of right now I have three 1TB drives inside my Mac Pro, RAIDed together (stripe 0) using the OS. No Raid card.

    The drives are all 7200rpm from varying manufacturers. (not sure if this matters.)

    My questions is; is it beneficial for me to get a RAID card to control these drives vs. leaving it to the OS to handle? Any suggestions for me?


    2010 8-Core Mac Pro 2.4
    14GB RAM

    3 drives in RAID0 ? Yikes, anyone of them goes and your machine is out of action. RAID0 offers no fault tolerance as no drives in the array share parity info or are mirrored.

    You would most certainly see a benefit in a hardware RAID solution, especially if you are going to switch to a RAID level with some redundancy, like RAID5 or RAID10. Also a true hardware RAID takes the processing load off your processors and memory.

    If on a budget you could go with RAID-Z, it involves switching to the ZFS file system. RAID-Z1 apparently offers similar performance to RAID5. Read this thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1135718) for further insight.

    I would get an SSD for the OS and use the 3x 7200rpm Disks in RAID5.
    RAID5 is great for storing uncompressed video data and in your case would offer protection against a single drive failure.

    or Just RAID5 with 3x HDD's and partition the RAID volume.

    The most recommend cards right now are the Areca 6g 1880 series or the new ATTO 6G series. For your needs something like the ARC-1880-i SAS 6G RAID Controller would suffice if you don't plan to connect external RAID/Storage solution.

    I would go with a 6G controller so as to take advantage of new fast 6G SSD's etc.

    nanofrog is the RAID-whizz around here and I am sure he would be able to suggest something for you.

    periods in periodic table. for periodic table geeks
  • for periodic table geeks

  • Mr. Retrofire
    Mar 31, 05:21 PM
    I hear a lot of confusion about this. I don't know why TechCrunch said what they did, but by all accounts, there is no golden master right now. This is just a developer preview. After this there will (probably) be betas. And after that there will eventually be a golden master or two.

    Right. Adobe and other big software manufacturers need at least > 6 months to optimize their software (much more than just InDesign and Photoshop) for the new OS. Apple probably wants to optimize Lion for Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Bridge#Ivy_Bridge) (via Intels Mac OS X compilers (http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-software-development-products-for-mac-os-x/), not just via the GCC), which means that we will see Lion GM/RTM in January/February 2012 and Lion final in March/April 2012. This would make more sense, because it reduces additional development costs for Apple, after Ivy Bridge comes out.

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table of Elements; Periodic Table Groups And Periods. The columns are called groups,; The columns are called groups,
  • Periodic Table of Elements; Periodic Table Groups And Periods. The columns are called groups,; The columns are called groups,

  • deancast
    Mar 20, 06:20 PM
    What and where is BB? Is anyone aware of a place that has 16Gb or 32Gb iPad 2 available in the Greensboro area?

    periods in periodic table. It#39;s a periodic table,
  • It#39;s a periodic table,

  • 12lemon
    Jan 30, 07:21 PM
    I was a Mac user for the first several years of my computing life. Then I purchased a G3 Wallstreet Powerbook. I liked it, but my wife got a Toshiba Satellite, it seemed(at the time) much faster, and was about half the price. Needless to say that I then converted to the dark side of the force...

    It wasn't until I got a new job that I begin to shake off years of un-faithfulness. I had even tried to bring down an empire by convincing our CEO that we needed to switch from MYOB to QuickBooks so that he had to purchase PC's. Then I was given the gift of a G4 400 Mhz machine with OS X. I began to see the error of my ways, and within days had gone cold turkey with the PC...except my one reminder of the drunken stupor...we still have QuickBooks.

    As soon as they figure out a solution for multiple users on the Mac side we will fully convert back.

    That's my humble story.

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table Groups And Periods. Periodic table families (Image; Periodic table families (Image
  • Periodic Table Groups And Periods. Periodic table families (Image; Periodic table families (Image

  • zap2
    Mar 21, 06:32 PM
    Both...I play with friends and myself.

    periods in periodic table. nice Periodic Table poster
  • nice Periodic Table poster

  • SuperCachetes
    Feb 7, 10:09 PM
    A chicken, with a blade attached. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

    periods in periodic table. poster size periodic table
  • poster size periodic table

  • itickings
    Apr 9, 01:03 PM
    I wonder why some routers block this kind of connection...Do you know what field should I check to see if there's a way to allow this?

    You're thinking about it in the wrong way. The router isn't actually blocking that if it doesn't work, it just doesn't take extra measures to route the traffic that unnatural way.

    Why would you need it to behave like that anyway?

    Lord Appleseed
    May 6, 03:34 PM
    In games, you can't tell the difference.
    Yes you can. Don't argue with me, I have been switching back and forth on Crysis 2 and there is definitely a noticeable difference.
    However Games still look good with 1920x1080 on the 27" iMac.

    Sep 28, 09:36 AM
    1) I love my MS BT mouse and the only lag I've ever noticed is when you haven't used the mouse for a few mins. when it takes maybe half a sec. to 'wake', no problem. I'd very much recommend mapping the buttons to Expose/dasboard, you'll never go back to either Windows or a single mouse button.
    2) BUy RAM elsewhere and fit it yourself, it's a doddle.
    3) I'd say the iCurve would be fine and recommend an external keyboard, wired or BT.

    Jan 10, 12:17 PM
    Copy and pasted, removed extraneous crap. Anyway.. nothing new here to see.

    Sep 7, 09:32 AM
    i shouldn't have said french, maybe french press. ullrich has always bothered me, i think the party boy image from a few years back really left a bad taste in my mouth.

    Jan 20, 03:51 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/01/20/apple-releases-imovie-9-0-2-and-brother-printer-driver-updates/)



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